10 Things about me!!!

  1. I read books which are made for 14 year olds.
  2. One my first day of school my dad accidentally hit me on my with a rock (he didn’t mean to.)
  3.  I Can not fall asleep with not reading a book.
  4. I like heights when I know I cannot fall.
  5. I’ve got lots of pet lambs,probably about 20 per year, all together about 50 or 70.
  6. I have been able to cont to 10 in Spanish since I was 3.
  7. I like cats more than dogs because cats are more inside animals and they aren’t as energetic.
  8. I don’t enjoy drinking milk by itself.
  9. I have to wash my hair 3 times a week.
  10. I have 1 sibling.

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