Month: September 2021

WC#4 (22)

May and her friend, June, were dying in the heat of the scorching sun. They begged their parents to go to the Grey river. Often they go when the suns really hot, their parents don’t know but they jump off the bridge into the river. They run along the bridge ready to jump. May grabs June’s wrist in the nick of . “I have never seen the river bed so dry”Ā May said. A scream pierced her ears. It was too late, June slipped, May not managing to catch her in time. May yelled for help, still to shocked to move.

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Week #2 (22) 100 WC

Margaret never wanted a brother. But with her luck, she was bound for one. Her mother crossed out another day off on the calendar, ā€œTwo more days to go.ā€œ she cried out. ā€œMargaret, dear, would you help me with washing, I have to do it because your father made my favourite white dress minuscule,ā€ She exclaimed. Margaret didnā€™t want to help with the washing because there was normally something sticky. Luckley she didnā€™t have to because her mother was rushed to hospital. SHE’S GOING TO HAVE A BABY! A week later, Marargot had a baby brother. She even forgave him.